Thursday, April 14, 2022

Maundy Thursday, What Is It?*

 Maundy Thursday, what is it? When I was a young Baptist kid, I only knew of two days of the Holy Week, Palm Sunday and Easter. One involved Palm Branches and a Hosanna song, clapping our hands and stomping our feet, and the other day was shared by the Easter Bunny and Jesus (kinda like Christmas being shared by Santa Claus and Baby Jesus). I imagine I loved making the Easter scene with popsicle-stick-Jesus, Mary of Magdala at His feet, and an Angel, including an empty toilet paper roll and a construction paper stone to roll away. I also loved dying, hiding, finding eggs, chocolate bunnies and Cadbury eggs (bok, bok). This Christian/Pagan yearly ritual could be confusing.

But then I learned about Good Friday and Maundy Thursday. There was always a mention of the cross and Good Friday, but I never knew why it was called GOOD Friday, especially if Jesus was beaten and killed that day (I later learned that it was called “God’s Friday,” the day He redeemed the sins of the world for all who would belong to Him. Some speculate that it is similar to the farewell words, GOOD bye, that were a shortening of the traveler’s blessing, “God be with ye.”) And I just thought Maundy Thursday was the expression of some confused Southerner trying to say Monday, but it was Thursday. Then I learned the most marvelous thing… That "Maundy" comes from the Latin rendering of the word “Command.”
Many wonderful things happened on Maundy Thursday, Jesus showed us what humble leadership looks like by washing the feet of His disciples. He summed up the most important parts of His ministry with the Last Supper and His last words to those who belong to Him. He reminded us of how to keep the most important commandments to Love God and Love Others. We have to remain IN Him. He tells us we Love God by honoring the boundaries and expectations that He lovingly gives us. Jesus says, ““If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”(John 14:15 ESV) He also tells us what it means to be known as His, this is where we get the “Maundy” from. Jesus says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.””(John 13:34–35 ESV). Notice He doesn’t say, you will be known as my disciples if you: have superior Bible Knowledge, have better behavior, never mess up, pray more, have more quiet time, go to more religious rituals, are more righteous than others… You won’t be known as His disciples by the number of converts you make, or if you can prove why you are right. He tells us that the proof of being known as one who belongs to Him is balanced on the fulcrum of loving one another, and He adds, “as I have loved you.” He really upped the ante with this statement, because He loves even His enemies. So New Command Thursday is a really big deal. Jesus was reminding us that day, how it is like “those who are His,” to act.
So, Happy Maundy Thursday People. Let’s love one another!