It was finally time. The four kids were sleepy but excited. We were starting our drive to the “Happiest Place on Earth” from Chattanooga. Some of their friends had been to “Dizzy World” every year since before they were old enough to remember, but this was our first trip. Anita had done her homework well. She had figured out with the Disney Vacation rep how we could sleep all six of us, do the meal plan, and add a “park-hopper” pass without going too far over our budget. I, however, was still very anxious about this trip to this large kingdom built on a central Florida swamp. I worried about the taxes and tributes that King Mouse would extract for a few days of exhausting exploration of his kingdom with its elaborate magical facades, excellent rides, and exceptional dining places. Our early morning Tennessee start had us arriving at the Value Resort in time to drop our bags and go to Disney Springs to eat supper. The kids were wide-eyed but tired from the long drive. We got a reservation at the restaurant and walked around the shops of overpriced trinkets, t-shirts, hats, and memorabilia until our name was called. We received our menus and I had my first Disnoshock. I knew I couldn’t keep worrying about the cost of everything or I would make the trip miserable for everyone. So, we went back to the resort and slept restlessly anticipating our first day at the park. I woke up early, got some coffee, and did my quiet time by the pool before anyone else was up. In my journal I wrote something about not being able to relax on this trip. I was concerned about investing all this time and these resources in the hope for a good family memory and it being a flop. I was afraid of all the X’s: exhausted family, exorbitant costs, excessive heat, expensive meals… I needed to know that God was with us and that everything was going to be okay. In my skepticism and doubt I wrote in my journal, “God, If you are in this, I would like for You to write it in the sky.” Everyone awoke, ate some pop tarts, sunscreened our sun sensitive Eurowhite skin, and headed to the park. As we drove, the kids looked out the windows and said, “Mom, Dad! That airplane is writing something in the sky.” Reading each letter they slowly said, “T.R.U.S.T. J.E.S.U.S…” Then reading each word excitedly, “it says, Trust Jesus, Dad! It says, Trust Jesus!” So, with tears in my eyes, we made our way to the park. We had a wonderful 4 days in all 4 parks. Every time I began to worry, God’s miraculous sky message reminded me of Whose Kingdom we really belong to…
When Jesus began His ministry, in one of His first famous sermons, He spoke of those in His Kingdom. He reminded His followers not to worry, but to keep seeking relationship with God, trusting Him, and honoring Him with their actions. Jesus knows our propensity to act badly when we are anxious or fearful, its human nature. We take a defensive posture against everything and everyone, even good things and those trying to help us, because our brains go to self-protective “enemy mode.” We see others as a threat even when they aren’t. Worry is a relationship killer. It causes us not to treat others well, because we begin to focus only on our own success or survival and distrust everyone else, including God. Those connected to Jesus, would need to trust that He cares for them. He says, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”(Matthew 6:31–34 NIV) Even in King Mickey’s Tomorrowland, we had fun, because we could “Trust Jesus.” My oldest daughter would later learn to trust God in her own journey when she participated in the Disney College Program, living in Orlando by herself and working in Princess Fairytale Hall. She was “friends with” Cinderella, as well as, Pluto, Rafiki, even the Easter Bunny. Do not worry about tomorrow, it has enough worries of its own.
( I have since learned that the skywriting was the work of the “Holy Smoke'' pilots, two former crop dusters turned airplane evangelists. God had timed a Holy Smoke, Trust Jesus message perfectly for my family to see it we needed that day.)
Hang in there people! God is glad to be with us! I’m praying for us all!