Monday, June 22, 2020

Parents, Happy Father's Day!* Words From COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, Happy Father’s Day! My Dad was one of those guys who could diagnose and fix anything. He was a part of the wonderful builder generation that humbly made our country great. He was the ultimate Boy Scout, because he was always prepared and a jack of all trades. I think the show "MacGyver" should have actually been called "McGinnis" because with a paperclip and a little piece of tape my Dad could fix anything. This attribute came in handy because he loved to drive Jeep Wagoneers, famous for going anywhere, but also needing lots of repairs and specifically universal joints. We were on our way to Florida one year on vacation, and the Jeep began to wobble and make funny noises. I was sad, because I thought we would have to get the car towed and return home, but of course, Dad never even blinked. He put on the coveralls he kept in the back for just such an occasion, crawled under the Jeep and removed the universal joint and engaged the front wheel drive… and voila’, vacation saved! As a physician he was a gifted diagnostician, he could determine what was going on and treat it with the right stuff. He was gentle and caring. He retired early and took his doctor training and gifts around the world on 35 different mission trips, most with his medical transcriber in tow, his sweety, my Mom. Because of his diverse skills he not only treated people medically, he could build a building or dig a well or run excavating equipment. He could hunt and fish with the best and was a dead eye sure shot with a gun or bow. He built his own log home with a set of plans and a couple of helpers. One of his greatest most selfless acts was taking care of my mother “in sickness and in health” and “‘til death do us part.” For 17 years he used all of his gifts to care for my mother with Alzheimer’s. A couple of years ago after her passing, his health required the help of assisted living. His body is no longer able to do the tasks it once was, but still full of love and care, and this year he was blessed with a bonus wife. She is a beautiful woman who had a full life of love and care for her own family and now they are wonderful companions. I could write volumes about this man, whom I am blessed to call my father. Happy Father’s Day Dad!

My dad grew up right next to the church he attended all his life. His pastor told him about Jesus when he was a boy (I too decided to follow Jesus in that same church at about the same age). He married a godly woman and they had my sister and me in worship and Bible Study each week of our growing up years. Now, we and our families have found the joy of knowing that God is always with us. As the wisest-man-ever once wrote, “In the [reverent] fear of the LORD there is strong confidence, And His children will [always] have a place of refuge.” Proverbs‬ ‭14:26‬ ‭AMP‬‬ I’m thankful to have a dad who could confidently fix anything, but also know that God has been with him since boyhood and that confidence was passed along to us. Regardless of who our earthly father is, we all have a Heavenly Father who can fix anything and loves us, cares for us, and gives us Jesus.., and we too can pass that love, care and confidence in Jesus to our children.

Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!

Image may contain: 3 people, including Anita Grossmann McGinnis and Annabelle McGinnis