Saturday, January 23, 2010

If You Were a DVD Remote Button

If you were a DVD remote button what button would you be? I know some people who would definitely be the fast forward button: their lives are fast paced and always busy. They see the world as a blur. Those who are more reflective would be the Reverse button, examining and re-examining frame by frame, looking to find the significance in everything around them. Some people are stuck on Pause; they are always waiting for something to be over, before they start really living again. They say, “After I finish school, I’ll do it,” or after I get married (the kids are grown, when I retire,…) then I’ll do it.” Some people would be the Power button, they want control over everything. My button, I think, would be the PLAY button. I love to have fun. If there is a funner (yes, I know this isn’t a word) way to do things, I want to find it.