Thursday, May 18, 2023

Just Don't!*


My family had a mini-farm, 7 acres on the Little Tennessee river that we would visit on weekends and some afternoons when I was in elementary school. I learned to garden, fish, shoot a gun, ride a pony, whittle a stick of wood, pick fresh cherries and eat them right off the tree, and run from an angry rooster (a whole other story). I also learned some new ways to aggravate my sister. One cold day we were checking to see if the electric fence was working. I pulled the finger of my glove away from my finger, so as to not complete the circuit, and touched the fence, saying to my sister casually, “it’s not on.” Her response was to grab it with her whole hand (aaaand wait for it) ZAP came the electric pulse. “OW!” she shrieked,  as I laughed and ran away. She was mad as a wet banty hen, which gave her a little extra closing speed. If I hadn’t had a bit of a head start, she would have caught me…! My parents reminded me, ahem, exhorted me, (read disciplined me), saying that we don’t treat our siblings that way. And my sister may have taken the next opportunity to smash a Hostess Twinkie in my face.  (Thank goodness we now treat one  another a little better). 

In the early church God’s people apparently weren’t treating their Christian brothers and sisters very well. So Paul reminded them to be kind and gentle with each other, stick together and act like people who belong to Jesus. He says, “ Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3  So, the next time we are thinking of being unkind to someone, anyone, just don’t. 

Hang in there People! God is glad to be with us! I’m praying for us all!z