Saturday, March 28, 2020

Parents, Glad to Be With Each Other: Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents at home teaching your kids… research tells us that learners learn best when they are full of joy. We experience joy, when the people we are with are “glad to be with” us (credit Jim Wilder). During this potentially long period of shelter in place, we can sometimes forget that we are “glad to be with” each other. HaHa! That is a good time to reconnect with God who is always “glad to be with” us, so much so that He actually came to be with us in Emmanuel, i.e. God with us!, Jesus. He even sent the Holy Spirit to be IN us so He can be WITH us all the time. When you are reconnected with God and refilled with joy, you can again be “glad to be with” those you are with. Your kids will remember this time when everything shut down and they had to stay home because of a virus, you can make it a joyful memory in spite of the circumstances. See John 3:16 and John 14:26 as reminders of how God wants to be with us.