Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Parents, Don't Succumb to Ennui!* Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, don’t succumb to ennui. We McGinnises can be quite effusive. So, one time when my father-in-law was asking our kids to be quiet, my youngest daughter said, “quiet is my worst enemy,” she couldn’t stand the thought of nothing going on. Unfortunately, child number 4 had never really known quiet. Her first years of life were spent in a car seat taking siblings to school, soccer, dance, or a friend’s house. Even her naps happened in that same car seat with all kinds of chaos going on around her. She still falls asleep easily when riding in the car, her sister-in-law who does the same, calls it “carcolepsy.” She didn’t know what to do when things would finally get quiet. For her, to be alive was to be going somewhere, doing something, listening to the conversations. Anita made it a point to read to the kids every night at bedtime and when the youngest finally went to first grade, a teacher helped her discover her own joy of reading. Everyday this teacher would read to her class and Annabelle was taken on a new adventure. She loved to read. We couldn’t get her to the library quickly enough to keep her in a new book, she loved a great story. As she got older, she would sometimes read an entire large book in one night, the school librarian would keep her informed when a new book or series was available. She had found that the quiet, who had been her worst enemy, was now her friend, and she would escape toward it, to go on her next adventure in a book.
Our God has written an exciting story for us all. He is a creative God… He’s the God of all creation. Since before time began He wrote an exciting story of rescue, reconciliation, and redemption. Out of the quiet nothingness, He created something, life… everything. But even before that, He wrote our story… Paul says, “He has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.” 2 Timothy 1:9 (CSBBible) Paul also says, “,we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 (NLT2) So, there is no room for ennui… we are a masterpiece that He wrote before time began. This pandemic is not a surprise to Him. He knew we would be here now in the middle of this, and He has a story to write with how we handle this… what we do with this struggle, this hardship to be overcome. So, don’t succumb to boredom, continue to discover what story you are writing with your life in the lives of those around you. Your story fits inside His great story, He has invited you to join Him in it. Remind your kids that God is writing their story right now too.
Hang in there People! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!