Sunday, April 5, 2020

Parents, I Think I Caught it... Coronaphobia: Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, I think I caught it… something that can be more devastating than Coronavirus… Coronaphobia! The hypochondriac in me leads me to think with every little ache, every cough, every time I feel fatigue, that I have contracted the coronavirus. This virus is so harmful to its victims; it harms not only the lungs and body’s systems, but it also takes away something just as vital to life…it isolates us and threatens to take away human relationships. We were made for relationships. Healthy relationships help heal us and give us reasons to fight for life.
Fear is such a destructive force. Our body’s fear response puts chemicals into our body that cause all kinds of problems from digestive issues to musclo-skeletal and connective tissue degeneration. It also destroys our ability to stay healthy relationally. The hardest part of this pandemic is the isolation that it brings. First, because of its contagion, people are forced to stay apart physically… Cara Cochran, a Christian counselor, says she does not like the term “social distancing” and prefers “physical distancing”, because she says, “words matter” and we all need to stay connected socially. Secondly, the virus shuts down our own ability to communicate and connect meaningfully with those we love. Thirdly, this virus is so insidious that it insures that the sickest are isolated from everyone else… there is very little human contact except to administer medicines and life support.
So, during this pandemic, fight for connection. Fear is attempting to isolate us, from other people and from God. We may ask how a loving God could let this happen and it may challenge our faith. But I assure you, God is right here with us in the middle of this crisis… I see Him in the lives of those working tirelessly to save peoples lives… I see Him in those who make phone calls to inject life into those they love who are isolated at home or senior facility… I see Him in the lives of those who are helping feed school children who don’t get lunch if school is not in session… and I see Him comfort and reassure me personally and meet with me all day long when I begin to let fear creep in… God is here and He loves us. His Word gives us hope and His presence comforts us.
The apostle whom Jesus loved, had wrestled with fear many times. Now as the grandfatherly figure, John writes to the early church to instruct them about how fear is defeated… he says, “There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment. So the one who fears is not complete in love”. 1 John 4:18 (CSBBible)
If you are suffering from Coronaphobia, quickly start loving someone… Connect with God our Father who loves you. Connect with family and friends and love them well. Don’t let fear creep in and take over. Fight! Fight for love and connection! Drive that fear out of your life!
Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you!