Saturday, April 25, 2020

Parents, Keep on the Sunny Side: Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents… and anyone else who may happen to see this, Keep on the sunnyside. As the sun streams through my window this morning, I was reminded of an article I had written several years ago… It seems appropriate to dust it off a little and share the thoughts with you now. Maybe you have seen the classic movie from 2000 called “Oh Brother Where Art Thou” (It is a humorous interpretation of Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey", set in the deep south during the Great Depression). In that movie a group of Nashville area Baptist minister’s daughters called the Peasall sisters, who were elementary age at the time, sang some songs on the sound track called “In the Highways” and “Angel Band.” A couple of years after the movie, I had the privilege of hearing these talented sisters play live at a luncheon for area pastors in Nashville, where I was serving a church at the time. Among the songs they sang that day was a bluegrass song (actually sung by someone else on the movie soundtrack) called “Keep on the Sunny Side” written by June Carter Cash. The sweet voices of these Grammy award winners and the encouraging words of this classic song helped change my focus that day and still keep reminding me years later to “keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side” and to “trust in the Saviour always, To keep us, every one, in His care.” Here are the words to encourage you in case you hit a “dark and a troubled side of life” during this pandemic and its effects on our world.
Keep on the Sunny Side
by June Carter Cash
Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side,
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day, it will brighten all the way,
If we keep on the sunny side of life.
Well there's a dark and a troubled side of life.
There's a bright and a sunny side too.
But if you meet with the darkness and strife,
The sunny side we also may view.
Oh, the storm and its fury broke today,
Crushing hopes that we cherish so dear.
Clouds and storms will in time pass away.
The sun again will shine bright and clear.
Let us greet with a song of hope each day.
Though the moments be cloudy or fair.
Let us trust in our Saviour always,
To keep us, every one, in His care.
If you are not familiar with the tune you can hear the Peasall sisters sing it online at:
There are always two sides to every situation…a positive and a negative. We need to look for and focus on the positives in each situation, and don’t let the negatives devastate us. Jesus told His disciples, “You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.” John 16:20b (NIV) So, Keep on the Sunny Side.

Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!