Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Parents, I Like to Move It, Move It! Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, I like to move it, move it! If sitting is the new smoking... I’m up to about 2 packs a day during this “stay at home” time. My watch reminds me every hour, “Time to Stand.” It also reminds me when I am not exercising or moving enough. It will tell me at 11:30 at night, “you can still do it, you can close your move ring. Just take a brisk 45 minute walk.” It’s difficult to get 10k steps in when you are staying at home, especially if it’s a rainy day, when it’s more of a challenge to get out and take a walk. My mind has been busier than I ever anticipated when this thing started, but physically, especially when the gym closed, it was harder to stay active. When I was a kid, my mother didn’t put up with any sitting around whining about being bored or having nothing to do… we were shooed outside to play until dinner or given yard work tasks to do. She always made sure we were involved in something: she had us in classes at the children’s museum to learn how to run television cameras, guitar classes, sailing classes, swim classes, ski lessons, tennis lessons… She was always active in the community and in the church and had us active too.
One of the biggest challenges of this time for me is not being able to “do” something. At times, I have been accused of being a “human doing,” rather than a human being. Sometimes it's hard for me to just “be.” These stay at home orders challenge the way we do life, even the way we do faith. Many in my church love to serve other people… right now we are limited in the ways we can do that. Our mission pastor has figured out ways to help a local food pantry that is experiencing a lot of strain. Our deacons have discovered novel ways of ministering to those in need at home. Interestingly though, serving within the church buildings has been shut down or changed dramatically… there is no need for ushers, or door greeters or meal preparers, or large choirs and orchestra, or preschool caregivers. Teaching, preaching, student ministry and children’s ministry has changed from being physically together, to being together virtually. There are times when God’s Word tells His people to “be still!” Sometimes we have to be content to just be still and belong to Him. This seems to be one of them. (with some exceptions, like my friends in Chattanooga who have been tirelessly helping tornado survivors)
The apostle Paul told one of the young pastors he was coaching, that during the situation at that time, the church needed to be quiet and pray, The purpose was so that people would see the truth about God’s great desire to be in relationship with them. This may be one of those times in our history… Paul tells Timothy: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NIV) There may be a time soon when God will call us to go and “DO” again, but right now it He seems to be saying to me, get quiet, get in my Word, pray and “be” My people, so that those who may not be following God will seek Him.
Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!