Thursday, May 14, 2020

Parents, Here's Your Sign! Words From COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, here’s your sign! When I was in elementary school a friend and I were asked to be “sign boys” at the University of Tennessee basketball games. This was the era of Ernie Grunfeld and Bernard King or the “Ernie and Bernie Show.” Coach Ray Mears was doing everything he could to inject more excitement into Stokely Athletic Center. He even had a unicycle riding entertainer and had someone wrestle a bear. So, back to the sign boy thing. My friend and I were like the early Jumbotron except with posterboard, magic marker and yard sticks… yes, I know, not exactly the same thing… but at the time it was pretty exciting. Whenever the Vols took a shot, we would hold up the sign “ZIP” and when the ball went in the hoop, we would hold up “BOTTOM.” If it was a really great shot we would run down the aisles, criss cross in front of the seats and run back up to our perch about halfway up the arena steps. We were outfitted in Orange Blazers, black pants and dress shoes… what is it ZZ Top says about a sharp dressed man? For some reason we both wanted the sign that says “ZIP,” maybe because you got to hold it up every shot whether the ball went in or not, and maybe because at that age to be “BOTTOM” was not great. So, we traded signs every week. We did this for 2 or 3 seasons and it was a memorable experience. We all carry a “sign” with us, not the astrological sign the Bible tells us not to consult, but a sign that the people around us see. If people around us came up with a word or two to describe us what would it be? God made us much more complex than that, but what would be our primary identity? Would it be “KIND,” “GENUINE,” “HELPFUL,” “LEADER,” “ENCOURAGER,” “SMART,” “WISE,” or would it be something like “ANGRY,” “MEAN,” “DEVIOUS,” “SELFISH”?

The Good News is regardless of the sign we carry, God puts a sign over us. In the wonderful book of Song of Solomon, Solomon’s bride says, “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was LOVE.” Song of Songs 2:4 (ESV) Those who belong to Jesus are called His Bride, and His sign over us is “LOVE.” God’s kind of love has at least 7 attributes that are true about it. They are:
1 God gives LOVE freely to His people, it is not earned.
2 God’s People reciprocate LOVE back to Him.
3 There is also the expectation that God’s people will LOVE each other and even our enemies.
4 God’s LOVE does not end, it is forever.
5 God’s LOVE is unconditional, it is the “I love you no matter what” kind of love.
6 God’s kind of LOVE is a way of living, it permeates life and involves mercy, grace, kindness, favor… in love.
7 God’s LOVE is a giving kind of love - it involves action.
So, here’s your sign… LOVE! Show it to everyone. Run up and down the aisles with it. Criss Cross in front of the crowds with it. Take it with you. Show it to your family and friends. Show it to strangers. Show it to your enemies. LOVE is our victory banner.
Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!

Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor