Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Parents, Is It Time for A Checkup? Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, is it time for a checkup? My father was a physician and worked a lot... to help restore people to health. So, as a young child, I was thrilled when we would go see him for a moment at his Doctor’s office… until those times when we HAD to go see him, then I was conflicted. I loved my daddy and going to his office for a checkup was exciting...the smells of cleansing alcohol, medicine, and old medical books, the sights of medical graphics on the walls and sculptures on the tables showing different parts and systems of the body, Highlights magazine in the waiting room (though we never waited in the the waiting room, we just came in a the back door and waited in his office), the sounds of a medical centrifuge and stool rolling across the floor in the exam room, everything all clean and shiny, the feel of the squishy foam, cool clean vinyl, and crinkly paper of the exam table, the bitter taste of a tongue depressor, the feel of a otoscope in your ear, and a cold stethoscope on your chest and back … but then… ouch...the sharp sting of a needle filled with something to help make me healthy. I still loved my daddy, but that nurse, I wasn’t so sure! (btw. he had wonderful and capable nurses who cared about us and all the patients) What is it in us that doesn’t always want a checkup? Why do we let the possibility of bad news or a shot ruin the adventure of a checkup and prospect of being more healthy? I sometimes do the same thing with an emotional and spiritual checkup. I love the Great Physician, and love to hang out with Him. He has me on a great adventure, but sometimes I am not healthy and need a checkup. During this pandemic it is easy to become depressed or angry or not healthy in our relationship with Him or the people around us or ourself … It may be time for a checkup.

The apostle Paul reminds us to do a self checkup when times are tough. He says, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17 (NKJV) He’s saying to look around at how you are walking… examine how you are living life and compare it to the Lord’s will… What is the Lord’s will? Its all about healthy relationships... To love God and love others as yourself. If your relationship with God, people or yourself is unhealthy, it's not a good idea to avoid it or run away from it. Walk toward health. Talk to God, read His Word, let Him remind you of who you really are and how valuable you and the people around you are to Him. Let Him help you become more healthy.

Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!