Saturday, May 2, 2020

Parents, One of Our Jobs Is To Refresh and Nourish Other People: Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, one of our jobs is to refresh and nourish other people. Thought I would microwave this article from a while back and add a little to it… An old movie I enjoy is the Three Amigos. In one of the scenes the three friends are riding their horses across the desert. They are all obviously hot and in need of water. They are parched. So they stop and get out their canteens. Steve Martin’s character turns his canteen up and one little drop of water comes out. Martin Short’s character opens his canteen, turns it up and only sand comes out. Chevy Chase’s character opens his canteen, puts it to his mouth and water gushes out soaking his mouth and clothes. The other two turn to him desperately hoping he will share just a little with them. Chase’s character, however, is oblivious to their need and proceeds to not only gulp down the refreshing cool water, but spill it out all over himself, swish it around his mouth then spit it out. When he has had all he wants, he carelessly tosses the canteen to the side and the rest of it pours out, wasted, instantly soaked up by the dry sand. He then, still clueless, blissfully pulls out some chap-stick and coats his lips. Finally he notices his friends’ woeful stares and offers them some lip balm… a sad consolation for these two who were so desperate for some water. He could have really refreshed them, rather than just treating one symptom of their dehydration.

Isaiah says, if we take care of those in need… “The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11 (NIV) If you have some extra right now, share it with others who are in need. If you have lots of water, give them more than lip balm… We enjoy a connection to the “Living Water”! We belong to the One who makes us like an endless refreshing spring. It’s our job to let our refreshment spill into the lives of those who need nourishment, encouragement, and hope and not waste it.
Hang in there people! God is with us! I’m praying for you all!