Saturday, May 9, 2020

Parents, To Mask or Not To Mask, Is That The Question? Words from COVID 19 quarantine

Parents, to mask or not to mask, Is that the question? I had a group of friends in high school who wanted to see the latest horror movie featuring a man in a hockey mask. I was not a fan of horror movies, I hated being scared and I hated watching someone get hurt. After much teasing, I still chose NOT to go to the movie. The fact is, I still wanted to hang out with them, they were my friends. So, I chose to hang out with them when the movie ended. I parked in the movie theater parking lot next to their cars and pretended to be dead. They all knew I was being silly and we all laughed. We all got some fancy overpriced ice cream at a shop called Swenson’s, where we laughed and talked some more, then called it a day. They didn’t isolate me for my choice not to go to the masked slasher movie and we all still enjoyed being around each other. I know this issue of wearing a mask or not has become a really big deal depending on who you get your news from. Some say it's safer and better to wear it, some say it's worse and will compromise the community’s health more in the long run. I really don’t know what to think… I have wrestled with this question myself. But I do know that as we begin to be around more people again, we will have to be very careful how we handle this issue and others like it. We have to remember to remain relational, that relationships are more important than problems. We cannot let differences of opinion divide the people to whom we belong. If we need to wear a mask for a little while when we are with someone who may feel threatened by us not wearing a mask, then let's wear a mask. If someone chooses not to wear a mask and we feel threatened, we have to remain relational and choose to stay a safe distance from them physically, while staying connected in other ways. If we are going someplace that asks us to wear a mask because they think it is for the safety of the community, wear a mask. When we belong to Jesus and His people, our obligation is to love one another and take care of each other. There are some things that are non-negotiable, that God’s Word tells us to do or not to do… I’m not talking about those issues, we need to do what is right… I’m talking about the issues that have no clear answer. We can’t let problems become more important than relationships. There seems to be a movement about to divide us, scatter us, and isolate us. We have to fight for connection, unity, and relationship. Let’s not elevate our “rights,” over relationships. The question is not, “to mask or not to mask?” but it is, “how do I honor God and love people best in this situation?” We have a bigger purpose than just our own life.

Some of the early churches struggled with issues that threatened to divide them, isolate them from each other, dishonor God and hurt any possibility of sharing the Good News with people who didn’t yet belong to Christ. God, through the apostle Paul gives them and us this encouragement, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God-- even as I try to please everybody in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.” 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 (NIV) How we handle divisive issues can either build people up and bring God glory or we can tear people down in an attempt to bring ourselves glory and prove ourselves right. Don’t get caught up in the divisive hype. Let’s ask ourselves, “how do I best share God’s love with these people around me?”

Hang in there people? God is with us? I’m praying for you all?